
Meet Junior Valentine

Meet Junior Valentine

What does a typical day look like for you? Wake up early, either I put on a little tune and have a dance or stretch, sometimes have a lovestruck smoothie to get me going, then it’s on to full day of yoga teaching, yoga studio managing, and events and gongs depending on day.

How did your yoga journey begin and what inspired you to become a yoga teacher?  I originally hated yoga, it was something that we had to attend in university when on my performing arts degree, it wasn’t till until decided to give it another try. 

When I really committed , I began to full in love with the deep transformative powers of yoga! I had many inspiring teachers at breeze yoga where it all started and where I now manage, it helped me, so I want it to help others so try to pass on the knowledge.

How have you seen yoga benefit your students? 

Lots of transformation and change, some even go on to become yoga teachers, but it makes them balanced, calmer and be able to approach things from a different angle.

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

Live, laugh

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