
Teacher Feature: Get to Know Amber Vanbuhler

Teacher Feature: Get to Know Amber Vanbuhler

What was your intial experience with yoga?

My initial experience with yoga was that it saved my life, changed my life and I am forever grateful for this practice.  When I was 20, I was diagnosed with a condition that would be with me for the rest of my life.  Although I was in excellent health (as per all the test results), I was in extreme and debilitating amounts of pain.  As counterintuitive as it may sound, I needed to move my body.  Therefore, with the recommendation of my Dr, I started with Vinyasa style classes which turned out to be a natural fit with my dance and cheerleading background.  I was instantly hooked as I felt so good physically and was transformed into a blissful yet extremely grounded and present state. What really drew me in was that this ancient practice goes beyond the physical into the deeper dimension of being and the meaning of life.  Over a decade later, my physical pain is minimal and I am walking the path of a yogi which is beyond my wildest dreams.

What do you find most rewarding about teaching yoga?

What I find most rewarding about teaching yoga is that I get to spread this amazing and wonderful gift that nourishes peoples’ bodies, minds and hearts.  I feel so honored that I am a vessel for this ancient wisdom to flow through and help change the world.

I feel so honored that I am a vessel for this ancient wisdom to flow through and help change the world.

Do you have a favorite yoga pose?

I love so many poses and feel as though they have all taught me a great deal about myself.  But since I must choose, Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) has taught me balance.  Balance is such an important aspect of life, and in this pose the upper half and lower half of the body are working/moving in true symmetry.  This pose has also taught me the power of not giving up, and to simply take a moment to pause and breathe.  To close my eyes and remember the gold that exists within me (and everyone) always.  Adho Mukha Svanasana is so empowering, and I love that it continues to provide a strong foundation and balance for my practice.

Opportunities to Practice with Amber

Weekly Classes 

Flow & Yin | Wednesdays 4:00-5:15pm

Power Flow | Sundays 12:00-1:15pm

Upcoming Workshops 

3/31 Yoga + Sound Journey + Reiki w. Dustin Selva Info & Registration Here

7/20 Vinyasa Fundamentals: Part 1 Info & Registration Here

8/24 Vinyasa Fundamentals Part 2 Info & Registration Here

9/21 Vinyasa Fundamentals Part 3 Info & Registration Here

Amber found yoga in 2012 and has been practicing ever since.  Not only did yoga help her on a physical level, but she began to see the world differently and knew yoga was her way of life.   
With a dance and cheerleading background, vinyasa style classes were a natural fit.  As her practice began to deepen, Amber discovered the magical power of yin yoga.  Together these classes create a beautiful balance in the body, mind, and heart; and are the main styes of yoga Amber currently teaches.   
Since we are always students first in the world of yoga, Amber constantly practices remembering to allow the divine unfolding of the universe and knows that her purpose in this lifetime is to spread love through yoga. 
Upon graduating from Asheville Yoga Center in 2022, Amber is spreading the gift of yoga to students in multiple studios in the Asheville area.  During her classes you will experience support to honor your body, an intention for balance on all levels and space for remembering the gold that exists within us all. 

The post Teacher Feature: Get to Know Amber Vanbuhler appeared first on Asheville Yoga Center.

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