
Meet Rebecca Gayle Phipps

Meet Rebecca Gayle Phipps

Tell us a bit about yourself…

I am a sound healer, inclusive community connector and British/Jamaican lover of all things Hispanic – language, food and music are all part of my love language.  Navigating the world as a mixed-race human has been a wonderful way of learning the power of belonging and I’ve always loved to create spaces where people feel seen, heard and safe.  My wellness space, REESET was born in 2013 on the shores of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. It remained an idea and dream for eight years, with the working title, ’The Yoga Farm.’ The more I travelled, studied yoga/sound and joined retreats worldwide, the more I realised that the Western world of yoga is pretty exclusive. I was often the only brown person on retreat, could never afford more than the dorm room and could never understand if everyone was actually plant-based or just liked talking about it… And then having taken all of this in, REESET finally came into this world in Mallorca, 2023

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day is a little different but right now I am working on REESET’s upcoming retreat with OYA Retreats. Yesterday we were a team of three putting up a giant tent for our outdoor Yoga Shala. Next week I’ll be working on our upcoming campaigns and events. I try to mix laptop work, with leading Sound Baths and community outreach to balance out my week. I also start every day with a swim in the sea! 

How did your sound journey begin and what inspired you to become a teacher?

My journey with sound began as an attempt to help me with a deep-set anxiety that had crept into my life. I remember running around London, trying to keep up with my corporate job, my social calendar and my mortgage payments. All whilst neglecting my physical and mental health. I walked into my first sound bath at Re:Mind Victoria in 2018; sleep deprived, anxiety ridden, and mentally unravelling. I left feeling like I’d been on retreat for two weeks and there was nothing that could hold me back from a life of my choosing. I gradually integrated sound into my ‘workout’ schedule and built a wonderful friendship with Leo Cosendai, one of the greatest Gong Masters out there (sounds dramatic – he is supremely talented!). The minute he launched his 200-hour Sound Teacher Training in 2019, I knew it was my calling. 

What inspired you to specialize in your practice?

I have always loved to host. Since I was a child, our house has always been the house that people met at, stayed in and ran to in times of need. My corporate career in London gradually developed into community building roles and after eight years of quietly working on my retreat business, alongside hosting sound baths at events/festivals whenever I could, I was able to leave life in the fast lane and open up our healing space in Mallorca, Spain. We are a six bedroom, five bathroom, five acre land regeneration project with two Yoga Shalas, two pools and plenty of space for connection, both to each other and to the land.  

How have you seen your practice benefit your students?

A Sound Bath is a meditation, typically 25 – 75 minutes long where we ‘bathe’ in the sounds of a number of ancient healing instruments.  Guests are usually relaxing on their backs, using lots of props to support them and blankets to maximise comfort.  I have seen people come out of a Sound Bath with new found direction, confidence and purpose. Some have just had a long-overdue rest. One guest, let’s call him ‘Adam’ journeyed back into a childhood memory and worked through a moment that had been holding him back all of his life. Everyone’s experience is different, because we all heal in different ways. 

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

‘May you smile from your heart’ – I have a beautiful crystal alchemy bowl that can help with that too.

What’s coming up for you in 2024/2025?

REESET is ready and open for retreats, teacher trainings and private wellness holidays on our magical island of Mallorca.  We invite teachers to come and host their communities, whilst taking on most of the admin and offering Sound Baths, guided hikes and catering to compliment their schedule. You can also rent out our space for wellness holidays with friends and family (with a sound bath and yoga class included in the rental cost). The Mallorcan earth has one of the most healing vibrations I have ever felt. It sings in harmony with the surrounding Mediterranean sea. You have to feel it to believe it!

Find out more about Rebecca:


Instagram: @beccagaylephipps

The post Meet Rebecca Gayle Phipps appeared first on Blog – Yogamatters.

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