
Studio Spotlight: Mum’s Yoga Club

Mum’s Yoga Club is a yoga studio and Online Membership created just for mums in all stages of motherhood. We chatted with founder Jen Mazur to learn more about the studio and what inspired her to start a wellness platform for mums…

Tell us a bit about your background and your yoga journey…

Before opening Mums’ Yoga Club, I had a wide variety of jobs, from singing and television presenting to retail management. Looking back, I’m convinced that each role helped me develop the skills I needed to set up my own business. 

I first discovered yoga in my late teens, thanks to my dance and performance background. Like many, I initially approached it from a physical perspective but very quickly became more interested in the philosophical teachings and how it made me reflect on life in ways I hadn’t before, challenging my perceptions and encouraging me to see the world through a different lens. 

When I became a mum in my early 30s, yoga took on an entirely new meaning for me. Without it, I’m sure the overwhelm would have consumed me, affecting how I experienced that transition. Instead, yoga kept me grounded, connected, and feeling good both physically and mentally, no matter what changes or challenges came my way. That’s when I realized I wanted to become a yoga teacher for mums.

I began my two-year teacher training with triyoga in London just after my daughter turned one, and I graduated right as I was about to give birth to my second baby! It was an intense but beautiful journey, learning to teach while learning to mother, and ultimately finding a whole new version of myself along the way.

What inspired you to open Mums’ Yoga Club and when did you open the space?

My journey into motherhood was a transformative experience, and yoga played a central role in helping me navigate the ups and downs. It brought me peace, strength, and a deeper connection with myself and my babies, which is why I always felt drawn to share its benefits with other mums. I wanted to create a space where they could find that same support, both physically and emotionally.

At the time, there wasn’t a local yoga studio that offered classes tailored for mums, so I saw an opportunity. In November 2023, I opened Mums’ Yoga Club, and now we’re coming up on our one-year anniversary. Reflecting on the past year, I can honestly say that my greatest sense of pride comes from the community that has blossomed. It’s more than just a yoga studio; it’s a space where mums connect, share their experiences, and form genuine friendships. Watching those bonds grow has been one of the most rewarding parts of this journey.

What is your mission with Mums’ Yoga Club?

My mission is to empower mums to feel calmer and stronger as they navigate the many changes and transitions of motherhood. To offer a supportive and inclusive space for mums to connect with themselves and other mums. In addition to our studio classes, we offer an Online Membership exclusively for mums, because I want this practice to be accessible to as many mums as possible—whether they can make it to the studio or prefer to practice from home.

How is Mums’ Yoga Club different from other wellness spaces?

Mums’ Yoga Club is different because it’s a space designed exclusively for mums, which is something I haven’t encountered often in other wellness spaces. Motherhood is a beautiful and life-changing experience, but it can also feel overwhelming and disorienting. Having a space where everyone understands what you’re going through is incredibly powerful. No matter where a mum is on her journey, we offer a calm and supportive environment for her to connect with herself and other mums.

Our studio is intentionally small, creating a cosy, safe, and inviting atmosphere that doesn’t feel overwhelming. It’s a place where mums can feel at ease, knowing they’re among people who truly get it.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of opening their own wellness space or studio?

My biggest piece of advice is to recognize that being a great yoga teacher is very different from being a business owner. There are so many aspects of running a business to learn, often as you go, and it can sometimes pull you away from your yoga practice. That’s why it’s essential to prioritise your own practice to stay grounded, especially when things get overwhelming.

Also, do your research. Is there a genuine demand in your area for what you want to offer? I knew there was a need for more pregnancy and postnatal yoga in my area based on my own experience, so I took the time to understand that before opening. Lastly, embrace that your business will evolve. Be open to change and don’t be afraid to ask for support when you need it.

Do you have a quote or mantra that you live by?

My favourite right now is “Listen to your own body”. In a world of so many distractions we so often neglect the simple things such as connecting to ourselves, asking our body what we need, and REALLY listening. I start most of my classes with reminding the mums to do this. Empowering yourself with the trust that you know what you need if you stop, connect and listen to what comes up. We know ourselves better than we think we do.


Find out more about the Mum’s Yoga Club studio and Online Membership:

Instagram: @mumsyogaclub


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