Bound Angle Pose with props
Softening and opening the body in Supta Baddha Konasana while focusing on the breath is a great way to promote deep relaxation.
Child’s Pose with bolster
Salamba Balasana, the Supported Child Pose, helps to reconnect with feelings of support and creates a sense of security.
Pigeon Pose
This variation of Rajakapotasana, feels even better with a folded blanket under the forearms. You can also use a bolster under the torso.
Seated Wide-Legged Pose
Letting the body surrender to gravity in Upavistha Konasana with a bolster is a wonderful way to let go.
Legs Up the Wall
Viparita Karani, especially at the end of a busy day, is a great way to calm the nervous system and to encourage deep slow breathing.
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