Niyama Practice: Firing Up Our Desire to Know Who We Are As One
In chapter 2 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we learn about practicing yoga. More specifically, how to practice. The first sutra in this […]
In chapter 2 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, we learn about practicing yoga. More specifically, how to practice. The first sutra in this […]
We go through life constantly evolving every ninety days. Some days we’re happy, sad, outgoing, easygoing or just quiet. The way we communicate can change depending on what has transpired in our lives or what we have seen someone else experience. Communication is a beautiful thing, it allows you to express how you feel, what […]
Over the years yoga has become more than just a type of exercise or a hobby to use to get away mentally and physically. Yoga has transformed to helping individuals with depression, anxiety, and stress. With my years of experience teaching different students and learning from other teachers. I have learned that yoga can be […]