
Momi Lammerding

Momi Lammerding

Momi Lammerding


CrossFitting Since:
October 2022

What was your first Memorable CrossFit Experience?
Learning gymnastics

Favorite Lift/Movement:

Least Favorite Lift/Movement:
All forms of burpees

Why Do You Do CrossFit?
At first I wasn’t sure I could hack it! But after my first class I was hooked! Now I can’t stop. My 99.5 year old father said, “whatever you do, just keep moving.”

Who would you recommend CrossFit to?
I recommend CrossFit to everyone I think enjoys fitness and a challenge. Only serious people, who intend on making changes themselves.

What does Double Edge Mean to you?
Double Edge means community! Double Edge is the complete package! Great and committed coaching staff and let’s just say, I am proud to be a member of this well run gym. I’ve been a member of many gyms, having lived in many locations. Double Edge is the BEST!

The post Momi Lammerding appeared first on Double Edge Fitness.

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