
Finding Space for Yoga at Home as a Busy Mom

Finding Space for Yoga at Home as a Busy Mom
Finding yoga space at home as a Busy Mom image

Between kids’ toys strewn about, furniture, and the general clutter of family life, finding an open space to unroll your yoga mat at home can seem nearly impossible for busy moms.

With limited square footage, carving out a dedicated yoga zone in your living room or bedroom may just not be realistic.

But don’t let cramped quarters stop your home yoga practice! With some strategic planning and open-mindedness, you can totally create a makeshift yoga space at home.

Here are some tips for finding room:

1.Get creative!

Clear floorspace in the bedroom, living room, playroom – even tight corners can work in a pinch.

2. Try specific poses

Stand upright instead of needing floorspace for seated or lying poses. Standing yoga flows are a great option.

3. Prioritize

By keeping pathways and high traffic areas clear for safety.

4. Go Outside

Take it outside when weather permits – your yard or patio is instant yoga space.

5. Modify

Opt for gentle, slower sequences with modifications if tight on space.

6. Schedule

Your yoga time when kids are at school or activities to utilize empty spaces.

7. Work it in

Incorporate poses into chore time like washing dishes or folding laundry.

8. Use Custom Videos

– Use yoga videos designed specifically for practicing in small spaces at home.

Bonus Tip

– Remind yourself that where there’s a will, there’s a way – stay open minded!

With a few adjustments, you can make even the smallest apartment or crowded home yoga-friendly. Don’t let limited space stop you from rolling out your mat!

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