
Meet Natasha ‘CocoRed’ Lee

Meet Natasha ‘CocoRed’ Lee

Natasha Lee, commonly known as ‘CocoRed’, is a Movement Artist and Yoga Teacher. Her Career as a Professional Dancer and Choreographer introduced her some years ago to the Movement aspect of Yoga but it was in 2017 whilst travelling around Bali, Indonesia where she was reintroduced to the form on a wider spectrum, encompassing the Spiritual, Holistic and physical realms of the Practice. Two years later she returned to Bali to embark upon her first Yoga Teachers Training. Some years on she continues to teach in London and has taught in places as wide as Bali and West Africa, Gambia.

What does a typical day look like for Coco? Morning Ayurvedic Rituals start first thing out of bed with, tongue scraping and mouth cleaning followed by lemon and warm water. On a day where she has the time, a homemade green juice will follow. An Abhyanga full body or Womb Massage continues her routine after a morning shower, later followed by a Fruit Breakfast. The importance of having food after the massage is important as the massage aids her Agni (digestive fire). If Coco has morning classes, they start the day as early as 7am, where breakfast will be on the go, otherwise some admin and catch up on emails. Her Admin comprises planning Workshops, Events, structuring classes and anything else in between. Coco’s morning routine is a staple but her day schedule changes often, which she enjoys as it keeps the journey of life interesting.  She can teach up to 3-4 classes a day and sometimes 1-2 depending on what day it is. She tries to schedule some self-practice daily. Whether it be Meditation, Grounding, Journaling or just complete rest. Or maybe movement which she thoroughly enjoys. This will be in the form of anything from Vinyasa, Mandala, Inversion classes to Yin and Restorative practices. Within this routine she endeavours to fit in the gym 3-4 times a week, even if at home. The day can sometimes close towards 8pm if she has evening classes, if this is the case and she is home prior, she will have dinner around 4/5pm to avoid eating late. This practice isn’t perfect but on the days this can work she is very grateful, as we know what late digestion does to the body. And then the evening is ideally spent at home with loved ones. She works 6 days a week and consciously takes Sundays off. This has been her go to for some years now and will only work Sundays for her Workshops, Events or very very occasional cover. The week can be full, so family time with and time with her partner are very important on this day.

How did her Yoga journey begin? Well pretty much as mentioned above but what inspired her to teach was the lack of her personal identity and visibility within Yoga and Wellness spaces. Her inspiration came from a desire to see students who looked like her on the other side. She was used to being the only person of colour in a lot of classes for many years as a student and knew the difference of having someone on the other side who looks like you. Additionally the inspiration came from a huge shift that Yoga had on her life and knowing that she could offer this healing to others, was and still is a fundamental part of purpose. Creating change and making a difference.

She has seen the benefit of Yoga in her students as it has assisted a plethora of things like anxiety, injury, self-confidence, healing and the list truly does go on. People continue to show up for their practice, weekly, daily and you notice the shift that this has on their lives when they anchor themselves in nurturing the mind, heart, soul and body. This here, can become the real depth of the work, consistently showing up for yourself no matter how you are feeling. Knowing that all you need is you and the rest will follow. It is a humbling honour to be able to hold space in these ways and for folks to put their trust in my hands.

Her favourite Quotes:

“It is an Artists duty to reflect the times in which we live”. Nina Simone

“Possessions make you rich? I don’t have that type of Richness. My Richness is life forever”. Bob Marley

Motto of life “Change is Constant”

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