
Meditation on the Guru Mantra: To Heal

Meditation on the Guru Mantra: To Heal

This is a beautiful little meditation, accessible to all, with so much potential!
The mantra is one of self-healing, humility, relaxation, and expansion.

Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru

This is a heart mantra, bringing the power of the heart, of the unknowable
mystery, of miracles. Guru, of course, means teacher but implies not just
any teacher but one that is significant to your path unfolding. Gu stands for
darkness, and Ru means light ~ this is the teacher that takes you from the
dark of not knowing to the light of knowing.

The Guru mantra is an ashtang mantra, meaning it has 8 parts. These 8
parts catalyze the kundalini energy to initiate through your own effort and
devotion. The first part of the mantra – Guru Guru Wahe Guru – projects
the mind to the Infinite, the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second
part, Guru Ram Das Guru – signals “the wisdom that comes when we
serve the infinite”.

When you practice this meditation, you open the door to activate healing,
specifically through the sushumna channel and the neutral mind. Healing
comes in many forms, including guidance or peacefulness, or illumination
and resolution.

To practice ~ take any comfortable seat where you can keep your spine
lifted and relaxed. Place the hands in Gyan Mudra (tip of thumb touching
index finger tip) and allow the wrists to rest on the knees with the upper
arms relaxed. The eyes are closed and focused at the brow point or third

Chant the mantra for at least 5 minutes and up to 31 minutes. You can
chant in a monotone – or check out some of the links below for musical
variations to chant along with. Whether monotone or accompanied, see if
you can complete the whole mantra on one breath.

Once you begin to chant, establish a link with where you wish to direct the
healing (yourself, others or even a place). With that link, imagine dipping
into a beautiful pool of water that is clear, healing and infinite in extent.
Hear every movement, every ripple in the water echo the mantra.

Simply chant, be present and aware ~ this is dwelling in the neutral mind, healing
through consciousness.

I find the energy of this meditation to be so vibrationally aligned with the
approach of winter. I hope you enjoy this practice!

Love, Sierra

Links to different melodies for the meditation:

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Meet Sierra Hollister, a devoted mother, a passionate runner, and an ardent yoga practitioner deeply connected to nature. She’s an E-RYT 500 and YACEP, sharing her wisdom at renowned institutions like the Asheville Yoga Center and Warren Wilson College while being a featured teacher on Yoga International. Sierra’s first book, “Moon Path Yoga,” was published by Shambhala Publications, a testament to her profound connection to the cosmos and yoga. With certifications in Kundalini, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga, and trauma-sensitive practices, she brings inclusivity and healing to her yoga journey. As a co-founder of the nonprofit “Light a Path,” Sierra extends her passion to to bring somatic modalities to all populations lacking access – including people who are incarcerated, people in recovery and people lacking financial means.

Learn more about Sierra

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