
World Cancer Day: Close the care gap

World Cancer Day: Close the care gap

This year’s World Cancer Day’s theme, “Close the Care Gap”, is all about raising our voices so that everyone has access to quality health services when, where and how they need them. Read on to find out more. We will also be holding a special class and talk, hosted by Vicky Fox, Yoga for Cancer focusing on breath and yoga for anyone impacted by cancer, supporting someone with cancer or with an interest in learning more.

This World Cancer Day, what will you do to close the gap in cancer care? 

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. 

While we live in a time of awe-inspiring advancements in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment, many of us who seek cancer care hit barriers at every turn. Income, education, geographical location and discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and lifestyle are just a few of the factors that can negatively affect care.  

This year’s World Cancer Day’s theme, “Close the Care Gap”, is all about raising our voices to engage our leaders, calling on them to eliminate health inequities by addressing their root causes, ensuring that everyone has access to quality health services when, where and how they need them.  

You can explore the World Cancer Day Toolkit here and find out more about how you can take action.  

Yogamatters will be raising funds this World Cancer Day for Oncio – a free practical and interactive app available to all adults affected by cancer.  

It is designed to be used by people at any point in their cancer care pathway – from diagnosis through active treatment and survivorship to living well with cancer – as well as their carers.  

Find out more and make a donation.    

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