
Five practices to reduce anxiety and stress

Five practices to reduce anxiety and stress

Zakiya Bishton is the Founder of Mindwalk Yoga, a virtual well-being studio and social enterprise on a mission to make yoga for mental wellness accessible to everybody. Zakiya’s focus is on Yoga therapy for anxiety, PTSD, insomnia and trauma. Zaikya shares 5 simple poses to help reduce anxiety and stress.

Seated facial release

A gentle facial release to reduce muscle tension and actiavte the sympathetic nervous system. I love doing this inbetween online classes, it helps me to face the day with an energised face.

How to: Find a comfortable way to sit on a cushion/chair/sofa. Take a moment to find ease. Please your first two fingers up towards your temples and gently rub in a circular motion. You may find it nice to close your eyes. Do the same on the top of your jaw.

Supported child’s pose

Props used: Organic Cotton Buckwheat Bolster and Organic Cotton Blanket in Mellow Taupe. Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus. Pair of Cork Blocks

A self-nurturing position to renew energy levels and support you to feel safe. Especially good pre-bed to calm your nervous system into a restful state.

How to: Kneel in front of a bolster or stacked cushions. You may choose to place a blanket in between your bum and heels. Explore what feels right for you. Gently bring your front body down to rest on the bolster/cushions, add 2 blocks underneath the bolster if you need more height. Place your arms alongside you or in front. Option to close your eyes. Take some slow breaths here as you gently release yourself into this self-nurturing position.

Props used: Organic Cotton Buckwheat Bolster and Organic Cotton Blanket in Mellow Taupe. Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus.

Seated self-hug

Props used: Organic Cotton Zafu Meditation Cushion in Mellow Taupe and Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus.

Show yourself some love with a self-hug. This can feel supportive when you’re feeling overwhelmed or your mind feels busy.

How to: Find a comfortable way to sit on a cushion/chair/sofa. Place opposit hands up towards your shoulder and give them a gentl squeeze, a bit like a self-massage. Dip your chin in towards your chest and pause for a moment to notice how you feel. Take some slow breaths here. I also like to use the mantras “here” and “grounded” to bring me into the moment and reduce racing thoughts.

Supported Bridge pose

Props used: Small Rectangle Bolster and Organic Cotton Blanket both in Mellow Taupe. Hemp Sandbag in natural. Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus.

Restore and renew energy levels in supported Bridge pose. Backbens can boost self-esteem and with this supported pose you can increase energy levels without exerting energy.

How to: Grab some blacks and have them close by, Lie on your back, bend knees, soles of your feet on the floor. Life your bum and bring the blocks under your bum/back of your hips. Find comfort and explore what feels right for your arms – up over your head resting on the floor or alongside your body.

Supported Savasana pose

Props used: Organic Cotton Blanket, Organic Cotton Eye Pillow, Organic Cotton Buckwheat Bolster all in Mellow Taupe. Hemp Sandbag in natural. Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus.

Reduce anxiety in this deeply restful supported position.

How to: Lie in your back with the backs of your knees supported, back of your head supported, an eye pillow and blanket to cover your body. Take time to find what feels right for you. You may also place a sandbag onto your belly which can feel really grounding. Try doing some slow belly breaths here, or you may choose to listen to a guided meditation. 

Props used: Organic Cotton Blanket, Organic Cotton Eye Pillow, Organic Cotton Buckwheat Bolster, Small Rectangle Bolster all in Mellow Taupe. Hemp Sandbag in natural. Eco Rise Mat in Eucalyptus.

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