
Meet Karen James

Meet Karen James

Tell us a bit about yourself… 

I’m 55 single and no children work full time for a design and build company as their Compliance Manager which enjoy as delve into the occupational health and wellbeing of employees within the company. Love writing poetry and the best way I know how to express my thoughts and feelings. 

What does a typical day look like for you? 

Split my time between working from home 3 days a week to commuting to London the other 2 days. So up early exercise lifting weights, dancing or walking. Then work tasks! Evening wise tend to relax with meditations or read. Watching tv less and less these days. Teach online classes on a Sunday morning

How did your yoga journey begin and what inspired you to become a yoga teacher

Yoga journey started in earnest in 2014, attended a local studio a few times a week doing hot yoga, Bikram and hatha. Used to enjoy the energetic classes at the beginning. Honestly I did the training just to see what it was all about hadn’t planned to teach. After training knew wanted to become much more accessible in my approach to teaching. 

What inspired you to specialize in your practice?

I started using props and loved the way they supported my physical practice. I have a creative side and decided to challenge myself on how to incorporate these into classes. I also wanted people to feel included in classes and find ways to remove the barriers to access.

How have you seen yoga benefit your students?

I have had the same small class of attendees for the last 4 years – the way they have connected with their bodies, know that autonomy remains with them, and accepting of what they choose to do within class is wonderful. They are more confident happy to delve into exploration and accepting of their emotions and feelings

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

I am here to facilitate not dictate the class and you (participants) are the best teachers in the room when it comes to your body. 

What’s coming up for you in 2024?

A shuffling trip to Costa Rica I’m the oldest person going and not phased by it, good to broaden my comfort zone, guest teacher on teacher trainings.continue teaching online on Sundays.  A few celebrations for friends birthdays and hopefully teaching for Yoga Matters on a regular basis.

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