
‘Bringing Yoga to Life’ March Newsletter

Dear AYC Friends –

Welcome to our March newsletter!

The word asana, which is usually translated as ‘posture,’ actually means ‘seat.’ The objective of yoga isn’t to master fancy, athletic, or difficult poses like putting our legs around our neck nor is it to zone out into oblivion–though both can be really fun, inspirational and provide clues that can potentially support a deeper understanding of yoga. A deeper intention is for our yoga practice (whether it’s gentler or more physically rigorous) to support how we sit with ourselves, our thoughts, feelings, and consciousness in each moment no matter what is going on around us. Yoga can also apply to and inspire how we sit with and treat each other, our family, friends, co-workers, and wider community.

As yoga teacher and author of the wonderful book Bringing Yoga To Life Donna Farhi says, “The world doesn’t need more people who can bend their bodies into amazing positions. What it needs are kinder, more compassionate, generous people…Practicing yoga does not eliminate life’s challenges, and neither does it provide us with a convenient trap-door to escape from life’s distractions. Instead, Yoga gives us the skills to meet life head-on with dignity and poise.”

In this month’s classes, we’re looking forward to sharing down-to-earth insights and explorations of yoga applied to our life on and off the mat.

We also have a full slate of inspirational events, workshops, series, and retreats coming up including the team-guided Gardener of the Mind Meditation Immersion later this month; the Celtic Spirituality Retreat I’ll be co-facilitating with my dear friend Ireland native Mary Meighan in May, and our Summer “Teaching From The Heart” monthlong teacher training immersion. 

We’re excited to welcome the dawning of the Spring with you!

Thanks so much for being a part of our community!

Many Blessings,
Director, Asheville Yoga Center

The post ‘Bringing Yoga to Life’ March Newsletter appeared first on Asheville Yoga Center.

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